4 Quotes & Sayings By Douglas Kennedy

Douglas Kennedy, a highly respected and beloved author and former United States Air Force Captain, has written over forty-five books on military history and aviation. Of his many titles, his most notable books include: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, The Atlantic Front: World War II in Europe, World War I: A Complete History, and Invasion 1942: The Road to D-Day. His latest book is an examination of the Battle of Midway.

Words matter, words have import. Douglas Kennedy
We try so hard to put our mark on things, we like to tell ourselves that what we do has import or will last. But the truth is, we're all just passing through. So little survives us. And when we're gone, it's simply the memory of others that keeps our time here alive. And when they're gone... That's why - when I go - I'm asking that my dust gets tossed on the water. Because ends up floating away. Douglas Kennedy
The only time you truly become an adult is when you finally forgive your parents for being just as flawed as everyone else. Douglas Kennedy